Choosing a Rails Blogging System
August 27th, 2006
Myers Development Studio has a great overview of the available blogging systems for Rails:
- Typo 4
- Mephisto
- Simplelog
- Radiant (which I also reviewed)
- Comatose
This site ( runs on an old version of Typo, which I’ve been meaning to upgrade. I haven’t decided yet, but I’ll either go with Typo 4 or Mephisto. Typo is really a great tool, and it’s what I’m familiar with, so I may just do the upgrade. On the other hand, I’ve toyed around with Mephisto and it’s totally beautiful and has just the right features (unlike Typo, which has every feature). Also, the developers have promised an upcoming (tremendously sexy and mac-like) Asset/File Management feature – something that most cms/blogs lack to their detriment.
The Link:
Ruby and Rails Books
August 22nd, 2006
It’s exciting to see the number of Ruby on Rails (and just plain Ruby) books that have come out in the past couple of years. A few (like ) are already in their second edition.
So I’ve put together a little page with my own reading list – some I’ve read but most I haven’t yet. All are at least worth checking out. Go take a look!
My Reading List
And let me know if I missed any!
Here are some of the books from that page:
August 21st, 2006
Sounds like a cool new Web 2.0 company, doesn’t it? Just kidding – I was playing with the Web 2.0 Logo Creator by Alex P, and thought it was a good one. Now, if only I could figure out just what exactly Zimoogo would do, then we could sell it to Yahoo….
Austin on Rails
August 16th, 2006
Last night I went to my first Austin on Rails meeting at Frog Design’s impressive Austin office
I was pleasantly surprised at the attendance – I guess there were about 30 people there, and 8 identified themselves as “working professionally with Rails”.
If you’re in Austin, and interested in Rails, come check it out. Not sure yet when the next meeting will be, but keep an eye on” (or subscribe to the news feed) for more info.
Model Your Models
August 9th, 2006
Ever wish you could visualize the relationships in your Rails application? You could grab a marker and head to the whiteboard. Or, you could have Ruby create a little graphical representation of your application in less time than it takes your finger to come off the Return key.
I originally found this trick on hackdiary, and I’ve modified it into a rake task.
- Ruby on Rails
- OmniGraffle (or any diagraming application that can open *.dot files)
- Knowledge of Rake
- A backup of your app, just in case (you are using Subversion, aren’t you?)
Here’s the code:
desc "Create a graphical diagram of this app's models"
task :graph do
require "config/environment"
Dir.glob("app/models/*rb") { |f|
require f
}"#{RAILS_ROOT}/", 'w') do |file|
file.write "digraph x {"
Dir.glob("app/models/*rb") { |f|
classname = $1.camelize
klass = Kernel.const_get classname
if klass.superclass == ActiveRecord::Base
puts classname
klass.reflect_on_all_associations.each { |a|
file.write classname + " -> " + + " [label="+a.macro.to_s+"]"
file.write "}"
To use:
- Create a file in
. - Drop in the above code.
- Go to your terminal and (in the root of your application) type
rake graph
. - Now open OmniGraffle, and go to File > Open. Look for the file in your RAILS_ROOT directory called
. Open it up.
Here’s what I got when I ran this script on SliceOfSites:
Link love goes to hackdiary, who originally posted this tip.
If You Thought Apple's Keynote Was Cool...
August 8th, 2006
I am such a sucker for Steve Jobs’ keynote speeches. I just love Apple product announcements. But I was totally floored this morning when I read the news: Mac OS X Leopard will ship with Ruby on Rails and Mongrel pre-installed.
Breathe. Breathe.
This is an incredible boon for the Ruby on Rails community, and an extra-special boost for our Business Case for Ruby on Rails (coming soon).
I can’t wait to get my new copy of OS X Leopard with Ruby on Rails. Rails is 2 years old now, and quickly becoming the defacto standard for web application frameworks. Thanks Apple, for acknowledging what a great framework Ruby on Rails is, and for giving us the tools to make the web even better.
Via Signal vs. Noise
Introducing Slice of Sites
August 2nd, 2006
New! Enjoy sugarfree, calorie-free, diet SliceOfSites!
SliceOfSites was our RailsDay 2006 project, and we’ve finally found the time to make some much needed improvements. We hope you like it!
By the way – “we” is: Mark Priestap of Designwise Studios with the design, along with Ryan Heneise of Art of Mission and Kenny Parnell of with the Ruby on Rails Kung Fu.
Check out
Any sites you think should be sliced? (of course there are ;)... Post them here, and we’ll start keeping a list.
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