Model Your Models
August 9th, 2006
Ever wish you could visualize the relationships in your Rails application? You could grab a marker and head to the whiteboard. Or, you could have Ruby create a little graphical representation of your application in less time than it takes your finger to come off the Return key.
I originally found this trick on hackdiary, and I’ve modified it into a rake task.
- Ruby on Rails
- OmniGraffle (or any diagraming application that can open *.dot files)
- Knowledge of Rake
- A backup of your app, just in case (you are using Subversion, aren’t you?)
Here’s the code:
desc "Create a graphical diagram of this app's models"
task :graph do
require "config/environment"
Dir.glob("app/models/*rb") { |f|
require f
}"#{RAILS_ROOT}/", 'w') do |file|
file.write "digraph x {"
Dir.glob("app/models/*rb") { |f|
classname = $1.camelize
klass = Kernel.const_get classname
if klass.superclass == ActiveRecord::Base
puts classname
klass.reflect_on_all_associations.each { |a|
file.write classname + " -> " + + " [label="+a.macro.to_s+"]"
file.write "}"
To use:
- Create a file in
. - Drop in the above code.
- Go to your terminal and (in the root of your application) type
rake graph
. - Now open OmniGraffle, and go to File > Open. Look for the file in your RAILS_ROOT directory called
. Open it up.
Here’s what I got when I ran this script on SliceOfSites:
Link love goes to hackdiary, who originally posted this tip.
August 10th, 2006 at 04:03 AM Nice, very nice! This will come in handy for clients that want to better understand such aspects of what we are doing with their content. I know I have had several curious questions about how it all works. This would be great to show them. Thanks Ryan!
August 10th, 2006 at 05:13 AM Great work. I'm delighted to see my code reworked into a much more useful, accessible shape. A rake task is a great idea.
August 10th, 2006 at 01:41 PM Thanks again for the tip Matt.
August 15th, 2006 at 06:50 AM If only omnigraffle was a bit better at arranging things....
August 15th, 2006 at 07:23 AM Wow - Damien that is an amazing set of relationships you have there :)
September 2nd, 2006 at 03:14 AM OmniGraffle, only available on mac, in Window to generate PNG files from "" visit following link and download "WinGraphviz.msi" on bottom of the page of that site, there is example test.vbs script code. It can use to generate PNG file, Note: on that script section"Sample data of DOT" just put your data Thanks for this cool tricks ......