Radiant Factory

November 29th, 2007

Say hello to Radiant Factory, our new theming service for Radiant CMS.

Basically, Radiant Factory is a theming service for Radiant CMS. We take your design and content and turn it into a series of layouts, snippets, and pages that you (or your client) can manage with the fabulous Radiant content management system.

I’ve fallen in love with Radiant’s easy, straightforward website administration. Honestly, I always hated content management and website update tasks until Radiant came along. The idea behind Radiant Factory is simple: share the love. Radiant Factory is my way of helping web designers provide an even better product to their clients.

So check it out and let me know what you think. Your feedback is appreciated!

Sitepoint Rails Book Giveaway

November 27th, 2007

Only five days left to get a free copy of Sitepoint’s Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Web Applications

It’s a pretty good book for beginners – very complete; over 400 pages.

Church Website Survey Version 2.0

November 19th, 2007

Get it while it’s hot

If you’re a church leader, pastor, staff, volunteer, or otherwise involved in your church’s leadership, please go check out Version 2.0 of our Church Website Survey.

This time around, we’re tying to gauge how churches are investing in and utilizing technology.

The results from the last survey are also available now. Just go to artofmission.com/survey to download the raw results.

Oh, and if you complete the survey before November 30, you’ll be entered in a drawing to receive an iTunes gift card. So tell your friends!

Take the Survey

We're a Forever Family!

November 16th, 2007

Introducing Emma Karis Heneise! Emma means complete or universal, and Karis means grace or undeserved gift. She is such a blessing, and we are so thankful that she is ours forever. As the judge said, we were just waiting for the court to make legal a commitment that was already made in all of our hearts.

Yesterday, Emma joined with over 60 other children at Austin’s Adoption Day. The Juvenile Justice Center was transformed into a huge party with games and celebrations for everyone. The courtrooms were packed with stuffed animals, and the judges happily made legal one adoption after another! It was incredible to be part of such a big event. It really made me excited to see all of the other families. I really hope to adopt again someday (when our girls are just a bit older!).

Here we are: Ryan, Bethany, Emma (almost 15 months), and Selah (4 months)

Also posted on Becoming a Midwife