Introducing Donor Tools

December 14th, 2007

With a little bit of fanfare, we recently announced Donor Tools, a new donor management app for non-profits.

I used to work at a small non-profit, and I was never satisfied with the software that was available to us. It all seemed either too hard to use, too clunky, too slow, or 20 years old. Ever since then I dreamed of making a killer app for non-profits – one that’s easy to use, has just a few features that every non-profit needs (and not a lot of extra features that only a few need), helps non-profits get to know their donors better, and is affordable.

We’ve been writing code for Donor Tools since July, and it’s exciting to watch it take shape. There’s still a lot to be done. If you’d like to keep an eye on the development progress, be sure to subscribe to the news feed.

Pretty soon we’ll need some beta testers. If you know of any nonprofit organizations that might be interested in helping us beta test, please invite them to subscribe to the mailing list on

2 Responses to “Introducing Donor Tools”

  1. James Higginbotham Says:

    Congrats Ryan! I can’t wait to see how Donor Tools impacts non-profits!

  2. Jeff Says:

    Awesome Ryan. We were just discussing the need for something like this within a non-profit that I’m helping with at the moment. I’d love to know when this is available for a trial run.

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