April 30th, 2006
Want to beta test eBible?
This one’s especially for CrossConnector users. If you haven’t already, check out eBible, which has opened its doors to a select few alpha (soon to be beta) users. More info is below, but if you just can’t wait, log in to your CrossConnector account for instructions on how to become an eBible tester.
eBible is “A new approach to the Bible. Easy to use, understand and share the goodness.”
I got to take a tour of eBible the other day. Aside from the fact that it’s so nice and convenient to have the Bible in a browser, one of the neatest features is the built-in commentaries that run through the scripture passages. Throughout the scriptures are little “c” icons – click one, and a commentary pops up, specifically about that verse.
You can even open two versions of the Bible in parallel. Currently eBible provides New American Standard Bible, New Century Version, King James Version, New King James Version, and The Message.
It’s really nice to have the inline commentary. But in addition, clicking on “More Info” in the left-hand column next to the scripture brings up the commentary as well as tons of useful links to related topics.
Want to try eBible?
Mark from eBible has informed me that he has reserved a limited number of test accounts especially for CrossConnector users. Just log in to your CrossConnector account to find out how to become a beta tester for eBible. (If you don’t have a CrossConnector account, sign up for one! It’s free and takes about 30 seconds.)
May 1st, 2006 at 02:19 PM Thanks Ryan. I got in. So far it looks cool, though it would be nice to have the New