Another Funny Spam

June 14th, 2006

From: James Negron

Dear Friend,

My name is, Major. James Negron and i represent 
a faction of American soldiers,serving in the 
military of the 1st Armored Division in Iraq, 
we came across your e-mail address(s) in the 
process of research and enquiry into an immense 
millitary global data base. I believe you are 
familiar with the war situation in Iraq ? 

Besides the killings, a lot of activities do 
occur; antique sales, stocked foreign cash 
discovery and lots more. We are lucratively 
involved in these activities, myself and my 
colleagues want to send consignments out of 
iraq, which will be discussed upon your 
acceptance of this transaction and we 
require a worthy,upright and business minded 
individual for safe keeping outside the Iraqi 
state. You might have an insight through; 
and details will be sent upon signal of 
interest. Our contact email ; [email protected]

Thanks for your co-operation
Major. J. NEGRON

Did you catch that?

Besides the killings, a lot of activities do occurr; antique sales…

... and tea parties, and shuffleboard games, and more killings, oh, and we’ve found a lovely bakery.

1 Response to “Another Funny Spam”

  1. Yannick Says:
    LOL, that's great lol antique sales!!

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